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1986-09至1990-07 北京農學院,園藝系,本科學習,獲學士學位。

1990-07至1994-11 北京市海淀植物組織培養技術實驗室,助理農藝師。

1994-11至1995-12 芬蘭農業研究中心,育種研究所,研究學者。

1995-09至1996-03 芬蘭 HELSINKI大學,作物育種系,碩士課程。

1996-03至2000-05 芬蘭TURKU大學,生物系,研究助理,獲哲學博士學位。

2000-05至2002-09 芬蘭TURKU大學,生物系,博士后研究學者。

2002-09至2004-08 日本農業研究院(札幌),日本學術振興會研究員(JSPS)。

2004-09-至今 中國農業大學,農學與生物技術學院,教授, 博士生導師。


1. 科技部重大國際合作項目評審專家。

2. 科技部863項目評審專家。

3. 教育部高校科技獎評審專家。

4. 國家出版基金終審專家。

5. 人事部留學回國基金評審專家。

6. 內蒙古農業大學兼職教授。





《Sustainable Horticulture》 (國際班英文授課)。

















1. 植物細胞組織培養實驗教程(主編)中國農業大學出版社ISBN 978-7-81117-879-1(2010),24萬字。

2. 植物細胞組織培養 (參編) 中國農業大學出版社ISBN 978-7-81117-907-1(2010),52萬字。

3. 滋補中藥的生產與營銷(副主編)中國農業出版社 ISBN 9787109-151338 (2011)40萬字。

4. 黃瓜生產百問百答(主編)中國農業出版社 ISBN 978-7-109-12926-9(2008),25萬字。

5. 新農村有機蔬菜生產實用手冊(主編)人民出版社ISBN 978-7-01-008176-2(2009),31萬字。

6. Pulli S. & Guo Y.D.* (2003) Rye microspore culture. In: Maluszynski M, Kasha KJ, Forster BP, Szarejko I (eds) Doubled haploid production in crop plants. A manual. ISBN 1-4020-1544-5 Kluwer Academic Publisher, The Netherlands, p151-154.

7. Pulli S. & Guo Y.D.* (2003) Timothy androgenic culture. In: Maluszynski M, Kasha KJ, Forster BP, Szarejko I (eds) Doubled haploid production in crop plants. A manual. ISBN 1-4020-1544-5 Kluwer Academic Publisher, The Netherlands, p173-178.


1) Fu Q.S., Zhao B., Wang Y.J., Ren S., Guo Y.D. (2010) Stomatal development and associated photosynthetic performance of capsicum in response to differential light availabilities. Photosynthetica 48:189-198

2) Wang XW, Zhao B, Fu QS, Wang YJ, Ren S, Guo Y-D. The responses of morphological trait, leaf ultrastructure, photosynthetic and biochemical performance of tomato to differential light availabilities. Agricultural Sciences in China(Accepted)

3) Liu XW, Liu LY, Guo Y-D, Ren HZ (2011) Alleviating Effect of Exogenous Nitric Oxide in Cucumber Seedling against Chilling Stress. African Journal of Biotechnology (in press)

4) Niu JH, Jian H, Xu JM, Guo Y-D, Liu Q (2010) RNAi technology extends its reach: Engineering plant resistance against harmful eukaryotes. African Journal of Biotechnology. 9: 7573-7582

5) Ya Yu, Yong-Qin Zhao, Bing Zhao, Shuxin Ren, Yang-Dong Guo (2011) Influencing factors and structural characterization of hyperhydricity of in vitro regeneration in Brassica oleracea var. italica. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 91:1-7

6) Yu Y, Liu L-S, Zhao Y-Q, Yang P, Zhao B, Guo Y-D*(2010)A highly efficient in vitro plant regeneration and Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of Brassica oleracea var. botrytis. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science 38: (4) 1-11

7) Xing Y., Yu Y., Luo X., Zhang J.-N., Guo Y.-D. *(2010)High efficiency organogenesis and analysis of genetic stability of the regenerants in Solanum melongena. Biologia Plantarum 54 (2): 231-236

8) Guo YD, Hisano H, Shimamoto Y, Yamada T (2009) Transformation of androgenic-derived Festulolium plants (Lolium perenne L. x Festuca pratensis Huds.) by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 96: 219-227

9) Yuan AP, Hou AB, Zhang FY & Guo YD* (2008) Inheritance and effects of the photoperiod sensitivity in foxtail millet (Setaria italica P. Beauv). Hereditas 145: 147-153

10) Qin Y., Li H.L., Guo Y.D.* (2007) High-frequency embryogenesis, regeneration of broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica) and analysis of genetic stability by RAPD. Scientia Horticulturae 111: 203-208

11) Qin Y., Gao L.H., Pulli S., Guo Y.D.* (2006) Shoot differentiation, regeneration of cauliflower and analysis of somaclonal variation by RAPD. Hereditas 143: 91-98

12) Guo Y.D., Mizukami Y. & Yamada T. (2005) Genetic characterization of androgenic progeny derived from Lolium perenne x Festuca pratensis cultivars. New Phytologist 166: 455-464

13) Ma R., Guo Y.D. & Pulli S (2004) A comparison of embryogenesis and regeneration between anther and microspore culture of rye (Secreal scale L.). Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 76:147-157

14) Guo Y.D. *., Yli-Mattila T. & Pulli S. (2003) Analysis of timothy (Phleum pratense L.) genetic variation with RAPD and UP-PCR. Hereditas 138: 101-113

15) Ma R, Guo Y.D. & Pulli S. (2003) Somatic embryogenesis and green plant regeneration from suspension cell-derived protoplasts of rye (Secale cereale L.). Plant Cell Reports 22:320-327

16) Guo Y.D. & Pulli S. (2001) Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from suspension cultures of timothy (Phleum pratense L.). Acta Agriculture Scandinavica, Section B, Soil and Plant Science 51: 160-166

17) Guo Y.D.* & Pulli S. (2000) Isolated microspore culture and plant regeneration in rye (Secale cereale L.). Plant Cell Reports 19: 875-880

18) Guo Y.D., Niemelä T., Tulisalo U. & Pulli S. (2000) Maintenance of male sterile germplasm in Brassica rapa by in vitro propagation. Agricultural and Food Science in Finland 9: 231-238

19) Guo Y.D. & Pulli S. (2000) An efficient androgenic embryogenesis and plant regeneration through isolated microspore culture in timothy (Phleum pratense L.). Plant Cell Reports 19: 761-767

20) Guo Y.D. Sewón P. & Pulli S (1999) Improved embryogenesis from anther culture and plant regeneration in timothy. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 57: 85-93

21) Guo Y.D. & Pulli S. (1996) High-frequency embryogenesis in Brassica campestris microspore culture. (1996) Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 46: 219-225

22) Guo Y.D. & Pulli S. (1995) In vitro pollen culture and the regeneration of Brassica campestris L. plants. Agricultural Science in Finland. 4: 513-518


1. 李蔚,劉莉莎,李仁,郭仰東(2010)十字花科蔬菜基因組含量的測定與分析。植物遺傳資源學報 (已接收)

2. 王玉玨,付秋實,溫常龍,程琳,趙冰,郭仰東(2010)干旱脅迫對黃瓜幼苗生長、光合生理特征及氣孔特征的影響。中國農業大學學報 15(5) 12-18

3. Guo Y-D, Wang Y, Yang P, Liu L, Ren S (2010) RNAi-induced silencing of a cellulose synthase gene affects the leaf anatomy, cellulose content and drought tolerance in broccoli. 28th IHC, Lisbon, 20-28 Aug. 2010, Abstract Book p. 284

4. 程琳,溫常龍,王玉玨,李仁,郭仰東,趙冰(2010)黑暗條件下不同貯藏方式和溫度對辣椒穴盤苗質量的影響。北方園藝15: 156-159

5. 牛俊海; 卜祥霞; 薛慧; 趙海娟; 郭仰東; 簡恒(2010)植物根結線蟲基因組學研究進展。植物病理學報 40(3)225-234

6. 楊鵬,劉莉莎,溫常龍,趙立群,趙冰,郭仰東(2010)青花菜ProDH基因的克隆及功能鑒定。基因組學與應用生物學29: 1-9

7. 溫常龍,趙冰*,郭仰東*(2010)黑麥草與羊茅屬間雜種研究進展。中國農業科學43 (7): 1346-1354 Wen CL, Zhao B, Yamada T, Guo Y-D (2010) Advances in festulolium intergeneric hybrid. Scientia Agricultura Sinica 43 (7): 1346-1354 (In Chinese with English abstract)

8. 王學文,付秋實,王玉玨,路河,郭仰東 (2010) 水分脅迫對番茄的生長、葉綠體超微結構及光合特性的影響. 中國農業大學學報15 (1):7-13

9. 于 婭,劉莉莎,趙永欽,郭仰東* (2010)影響花椰菜農桿菌介導轉化因素的研究。植物遺傳資源學報 11: 320-325

10. 王穎,楊鵬,于婭,趙冰,郭仰東(2010)利用全測序基因組對被子植物纖維素合成酶基因的進化分析. 植物遺傳資源學報 11(2):179-185

11. 付秋實,李紅嶺,崔健,趙冰*,郭仰東* (2009) 水分脅迫對辣椒光合作用及相關生理特性的影響。中國農業科學 42(5)1859-1866 Fu QS, Li HL, Cui J, Zhao B, Guo Y-D (2009) Effects of water stress on photosynthetic characteristics of capsicum (Capsicum annuum L.). Scientia Agricultura Sinica 42(5)1859-1866 (In Chinese with English abstract)

12. 牛俊海,郭仰東,簡恒(2009)RNA干擾在植物抗根結線蟲病基因工程應用中的研究進展。基因組學與應用生物學28:167-173

13. 王學文,王玉玨,付秋實,趙冰*,郭仰東* (2009)弱光條件下番茄光合及生理特性與葉綠體超微結構的變化。華北農學報 24: (5) 144-149

14. 邢業,于婭,羅璇,安順偉,郭仰東(2008)茄子下胚軸的再生研究及其遺傳穩定性分析。華北農學報 23:17-21(增)

15. 羅璇,劉莉莎,于婭,邢業,趙冰,郭仰東(2008)山藥類原球莖類似結構的發生及再生體系遺傳穩定性分析。華北農學報23:27-30(增)

16. 付秋實,王學文,鄭禾,郭仰東(2008)弱光對辣(甜)椒光合特性及光合啟動時間的影響。華北農學報23:22-26(增)

17. 溫貴聚; 趙泓; 郭仰東; 劉凡 (2008) 大白菜和黑芥種間雜種的獲得及鑒定。華北農學報 23(4)105-109

18. 張繼寧,袁文業,郭仰東(2007) 茄子主要農藝性狀的相關與通徑分析。中國農學通報 23(5)290-292

19. Yamada T, Guo YD, Mizukami Y, Tamura K, Tase K (2006) Introgression breeding program in Lolium/Festuca complex using androgenesis. Xu Zhihong et al (eds) Biotechnology and Sustainable Agricultire 2006 and Beyond. p447-450. Springer

20. Guo YD, Yamada T, Pulli S (2006) Improvement of forage grass breeding by androgenesis. 11th IAPTC&B Congress, Beijing, China, August 13-18. p189

21. Guo Y.D. & Yamada T. (2004) Androgenic embryogenesis and green plant regeneration in Festuca pratensis Huds. and Dactylis glomerata L. Breeding Research 6: (supplement) p259

22. Guo Y.D. & Yamada T. (2003) Androgenesis in forage grass breeding. Abstract book of the 2003 International Conference on Agricultural Science and Technology. Houston, Texas, USA. October 12-15, 2003. p17

23. Guo Y.D. & Yamada T. (2003) Androgenic embryogenesis and genome size variation in pollen-derived diploids and tetraploids in Festulolium. Breeding Research 5: (supplement) 225

24. Guo Y.D. & Yamada T. (2003) Preliminary report on androgenic embryogenesis and green plant regeneration of Lolium perenne L. x Festuca pratensis Huds. Grassland Science 49: 338-339

25. Ma R., Guo Y.D. & Pulli S. (2002) Development of doubled haploid lines in rye (Secale cereal L.) by anther culture. Current challenges in plant biology. Second SPPS Ph D student conference 2002, 8-11 August, Turku, Finland. p.29

26. Guo Y.D. & Pulli S. (2001) Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from suspension culture of timothy. IX th International Turfgrass Research Conference. July 15-21, Toronto, Canada. Abstract Book. p.70.

27. Guo Y.D., Yli-Mattila T. & Pulli S. (2001) Assessment of genetic diversity in Phleum pratense L. using RAPD marker. The Phytochemical Society of Europe, Plant Biotechnology Workshop 10-13 June, 2001 Helsinki, Finland. Abstract Book p.38

28. Pulli S. & Guo Y.D. (2001) Biotechnological improvement in timothy breeding. Proceedings of the XIX international grassland congress. 11-21 February, 2001, São Paolo, Brazil. pp 494-495

29. Pulli S. & Guo Y.D. (1999) Haploid production in turnip, timothy and rye. XVI International Botanical Congess 1-7 August 1999 Saint Louis, Missouri, U.S.A. Abstract Book p.125

30. Pulli S. & Guo Y.D. (1998) Androgenic embryogenesis from microspore culture in rye (Secale cereale L.). 5th Plant Embryogenesis Workshop and 2nd European Plant Embryogenesis Network Meeting. Barcelona, 19-21, Nov. 1998. Abstract Book. p. 78

31. Pulli S., Guo Y.D. & Sewon P. (1998) Induction of haploids from anther and microspore culture of timothy (phleum pratense L.) 20th Bioscience Days (6th Meeting of Finnish Plant Scientists) 17-19 September, 1998. Helsinki. p. 46

32. Pulli S., Guo Y.D. & Sewon P. (1998) Anther culture and plant regeneration of timothy (phleum pratense L.). 17th General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation, 18-21, May 1998. Debrecen, Hungary. Abstract Book. p. 8-9

33. Guo Y.D. & Pulli S. (1997) Induction of haploid plants from isolated pollen of Brassica campestris. 10th Crucifer Genetics Workshop, ISHS Symposium on Brassicas. 23-27, September 1998. Rennes, France. Abstract Book. p.163

34. Guo Y.D. & Pulli S. (1995) Preliminary report on embryogenesis of Brassica rapa L. ssp oleifera via in vitro isolated microspore culture. 14th Eucarpia Congress. 31, July-4, August, 1995. Jyväskylä, Finland. Abstract Book. p.97

35. 郭仰東 (1994) 冷處理對提高黃瓜抗寒性的研究。 園藝學報 21: 101-102

36. Li XO, Sun RF, Wu FY, Si JG, Nie XK, Li CL, Jiang ZR, Guo YD, Ye BJ (1995) In vitro propagation of Chinese cabbage for seed production. Acta Horticulturae. 402: 306-312

37. 郭仰東 (1993) 韭菜雄性不育株的發現及利用。 蔬菜 66: 18

38. 郭仰東,李春玲,蔣鐘仁(1992)用組培方法繁殖韭菜雄性不育無性系的研究簡報。 北京農學院學報 7: 85-87






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